Okay, I know that sounds gross, let me explain.
I looked at the schedule for today's speed workout and wondered if there was a mistake or was coach Marisa trying to kill me. :) Then I figured she wanted to push my limits and see what I could accomplish. Challenge accepted!
Since it was supposed to rain all day today, I did this workout on the treadmill early this morning. Here's how it went:
15 minute warm up at 9:15 pace. That was just fine and dandy. Then I began the first of the 5 mile repeats on the schedule. These were to be done at a 6:45-6:50 min/mile pace. I set the speed at 8.8 mph, which is a 6:49 min/mile pace. Fast, but I handled it. After a 1.5 min recovery walk, up went the speed to 8.8 mph for the second mile. I repeated this for the third and fourth mile. Each time was more difficult, but I was determined to finish at this speed. As I approached the tail end of the fourth mile, something in my gut started to rebel...I was thinking, just let me finish this mile and I'll cut it short, but alas it was not to be. I ended .08 short on the fourth mile and couldn't do any more. I walked the 5 minute cool down and hoped my stomach would recede back were it belonged.
Now, if I had done this workout at the track, I would have naturally slowed to a pace that I could handle and completed all five mile repeats. Treadmills are different. You set the speed and you either have to keep up, hold down a button to slow down or stop, or failing that, jump or fall off. In my stubbornness, I refused to slow down until I just couldn't do it anymore.
I learned a lesson today. It's okay to slow down, especially if it helps you get to your goal.